Ian's Mother-in-Law 01 +PICS

Thank you kenji for your assistance


"Come on, let's take the path to the edge of the forest," Mia asked her husband. Ian stopped and looked sullenly over the trees to the nested gable roofs that belonged to his in-laws' mansion.

Mia took his arm and sighed, "Do you always have to be so sensitive. My parents are not at home at all, and nobody else can see us when we walk past their house."

Ian grumbled, "I actually like your parents; but your mother visits us regularly, always on days when I want to concentrate on work at home. To this day, I haven't found out if she's doing this to control us, especially me."

"Oh what," his wife waved him off, grabbed his hand and pulled him next to her, "Mama is overjoyed about our marriage, she keeps saying that. You are her dream son-in-law."

"I know," Ian confirmed, "I can see that she's trying. How should I put it, maybe it's her aristocratic behavior that I'm misinterpreting. When she appears, I always feel guilty, and I feel as if I have to curtsey to her."

Mia smirked, "Actually, it is the woman who curtsies; if so, then you have to bow."

Ian ignored her joke, "Although she has done nothing condescending to me; on the contrary, she always asks how I am.‟

"You see?" nodded Mia, "I'm sure you'll get used to her way. You already told me that I act like mom, but you don't seem to mind with me."

"That irritated me in the beginning," confessed Ian, "I remember, on our first date, your dignified manners instilled respect in me."

He grinned, "In the meantime, I've come to appreciate that, and I know that you can also speak very differently, for example, in the bedroom."

Mia laughed, "Should I recommend to mom that she try talking dirty on your next visit? Maybe she can score points with you."

"Don't worry," Ian answered gruffly, as he looked at his in-laws' house, "I'm sure I'll find the right way to deal with your mother." He thought, "Maybe it's because she still looks great at forty."

Ian turned to Mia, "You two are so alike. Every time she shows up, I feel like I'm dealing with a second version of you, and I don't know how to behave. Especially when I see her from the side, or from behind, I think for a brief moment that I have you in front of me, when the impulse occurs..."

Mia squeezed his arm, and giggled, "... to pinch her in the buttocks, like you do to me?‟

"Well," coughed Ian, "so far, I've noticed my error always in time."

Mia chuckled, "Maybe she would like it, if you forget to notice it's not me."

"I'd rather get a slap in the face,‟ he said dryly, as they went further.

After a minute, Mia beamed with joy and pointed to her parents' park, "There, behind the trees, is the chapel. Do you remember a year ago?"

"Sure, we got married there; but that wasn't a year ago, our wedding anniversary is still two weeks away." He wanted to know, "Do your parents still rent out the chapel for weddings?"

"Of course," Mia replied, "the season will start soon. They had the church repaired this spring, Papa told me." She took Ian's hand, "And? Are you looking forward to your first wedding anniversary?"

"Asked wrongly,‟ he replied with a smile, "you should ask me whether our first year has made me happy."

"And? Has it?‟

He stopped, hugged Mia and fell into a kiss with her.

When he broke away he whispered, "And how! It has been wonderful with you." Ian grinned, "At least I knew which woman I was marrying, after all, we had been together for two years... my God, we were only nineteen when we met, and now we're already a married couple."

"What is that anyway," said Mia, "at twenty-four I'm the first of my girls' group to be under the hood; but, my mother got married earlier than me, and she hasn't regretted it a bit to this day."

"You told me they got married when she was expecting your sister."

"Yes, that's why I have a young mother, who has not yet fallen out of time."

"And certainly, not out of shape," laughed Ian.

Mia sighed, "It was just lovely with mom. When I started to be interested in boys, we lost sight of each other, so I want to include her more in my life again." She smiled, "Not just in mine, in yours, too. It would be so nice if you could get rid of your skepticism towards her."

Ian kissed her on the forehead, "I will make an effort in the future. You're right, your mother is actually a smart woman." He laughed, "And without that noble touch, she would have what it takes to be a thoroughbred woman."

"She is," Mia affirmed, "Dad and she have been married for over twenty years, and they have it well together. I am sure of that; otherwise, I would notice if it were different; after all, I am her daughter." She remarked, "It was actually an advantage that they had children so early. As soon as my parents were over forty, Mary and I had already flown out and they had got the run of their place."

Ian raised an eyebrow, "Do you think, with their distant lifestyle, they need a place, where they can do what they like?"

He peered at the in-laws' house, "Dear, if I imagine that they were at home right now and were going really wild... somehow weird."

"Maybe you are wrong," Mia giggled, "my parents are just as active today as they were before, and have a varied love life. At least, that's what mom told me."

"You think they have a real sex life with all the trimmings, like us?"

Mia smiled wryly, "Well, I haven't talked about it with mom that much, I've never given it much thought." She turned to Ian, grinning, "I was way too busy with you." Mia looked him up and down, "And anyway, you with your allergy to aristocracy, you go for a walk with me in the forest, in a neat suit and leather shoes, and criticize my parents..."

Ian stopped, "You also wear a summer skirt that is more intended for the shopping mile, fine stockings, a godsend for blackberry branches, and high heels on this way."

Mia kissed the tip of his nose, "I know maybe we're a little too young for clothes like that. In our twenties we should actually be walking around with jeans, T-shirts and sneakers." She turned on her own axis and sighed, "But I like beautiful things."

Mia hooked up with Ian and pulled him to the beech leaf archway that led into the forest. "And I like it when you are well dressed, mom thinks that, too."

Ian was forgiving, "All right, peace with my mother-in-law, peace with you. Yes, I love the way you are dressed." He looked over his shoulder, "They really have a great house, surrounded by a cute park that borders the forest, and everything is so well looked after."

Mia stood on tiptoe and mumbled in his ear, "I would have loved to have done it with you in my parents' park."

Ian looked at her sideways, "And you think, because they are not at home today, maybe we could?..."

The corners of Mia's mouth went up, she clenched her fists, and her eyes sparkled, "It would be a good opportunity."

Ian tried to keep his enthusiasm in check with a cough, "If you think? We'll come back this way. Eh, when will your parents be back?"

"Only in the evening," Mia knew, "we'd be long gone by then."

Ian took her by the hand, and led her into the woods.

The prospect of an enjoyable end to the afternoon made him look forward to it, and he said cheerfully, "Since I want to start improving right now, I would also like to say something positive about your mother. The woman is friendly, always dressed smartly, still has a great figure, and above all..."

When he didn't go on, Mia giggled, "Do you mean mom's ample breasts?"

He cleared his throat, "It's amazing how she does it. There is absolutely nothing hanging, you would think that a surgeon had helped."

"But nobody has," Mia replied, "Mama's breasts are natural talents, just like mine." She pouted, "Which are almost as big as my mother's, by the way."

They kept walking, lost in thought, until Ian wanted to know, "What you said earlier about your parents... what do you mean by a varied sex life?"

"Oh... I was just talking like that," Mia giggled, "Who knows, maybe with a partner swap?"

Ian laughed, and added another one, "Who comes to mind?... oh yes, the dusty piano teacher, what was her name?"

"Louisa. During my school days she gave me lessons at home. She still teaches mom and dad." Mia protested, "I don't remember Luisa as being a dusty piano teacher." She nudged Ian, "I mean, if you really want to imagine my parents having group sex, she would be a suitable candidate. Anyway, I really hope that you will allow my parents a varied sex life, if they actually do have one. After all, that's important for both of us."

"Sure," nodded Ian, "that would loosen up their secluded life here at the edge of the forest."

They kept walking until Mia asked, "And you? Do you also like variety?"

"How do you mean?"

"We talked about my parents' sex life, I am thinking of our love life."

Ian kissed Mia's forehead, "Your curiosity for variety, is what I like about you. You always have ideas; sometimes, I even feel like I'm not following you anymore. It's always crazy how you surprise me." He grinned, as he continued, "I'm definitely looking forward to the way back."

After a minute, Mia dug deeper, "About the variety, I mean... would you like to have a change with another..."

Ian's head flicked around, "With another woman?"

He kissed Mia on the cheek, "Then I would have to cheat on you. I love you and I don't want to endanger our relationship because of another woman."

Mia took a deep breath; and after a pause, she asked, "And... what if that was okay with me?‟

"You mean, you wouldn't mind, if I?..."

"Well," Mia interrupted mischievously, "of course, you should give me the same freedom."

Ian closed his mouth, put his arm around Mia and walked on with her. When he looked at her face out of the corner of his eye, she giggled, "Tell me, haven't you already imagined something like that?"

Ian hesitated, "Well, maybe in my imagination, but that's just..."

"With whom?"

"With whom, with whom," he struggled for words, "I could only think of something like that with a woman I know and like, in a friendly way; I mean, and in whom one has one hundred percent trust." He sighed, "Just a fantasy woman. Actually, I only know one who has these characteristics, and that's you." He kissed Mia on the lips.

When she broke the kiss, she said, "I've already thought about it. It would have to be a good friend, not just some guy who would piss you off afterwards by chatting around."

Ian smiled wryly, "I think I know who you're thinking of. If you had considered Tom, I would have to admit that Sarah has already crossed my mind."

Mia blurted out, "I thought so." She smiled up into the trees, "I know my husband's tastes."

The words just gushed out of her, "After all, Sarah and Tom have been our best friends for such a long time, and I've known Sarah for ages." She looked at Ian, "Just suppose... I mean... if Sarah wasn't averse..."

He grinned, "Don't just tell me to perform sexual intercourse with her, or something like that, or I'll get a rash right away."

Mia started again, "Well, if Sarah wanted to fuck you and I wouldn't mind, I mean... would that be an option for you?"

Ian felt dizzy, he would never have expected such a suggestion, although Mia kept surprising him with high-spirited ideas. She was on fire when she continued, "Mom told me once, it is important that in a good relationship, everyone has their little secrets from the other."

"But that would no longer be a secret, if you knew that I was with your best friend..."

"Just about that,‟ chuckled Mia, "that would be even more exciting."

Ian saw that his wife was serious about the crazy proposal. He mumbled, "Well... if Sarah wants it... well... I could imagine being tempted to..."

"... fuck her?... and you wouldn't mind that I fuck Tom in return?"

Ian's mouth opened and closed again. His mind raced. Of course, he had already secretly imagined fucking Sarah, how could he not? She was an attractive woman, often being with Mia and himself; but, he had never seriously considered anything like that.

He had certainly not thought that similar ideas would settle in his wife's head. Now he found that Mia's ideas made even bigger leaps than his. He put his arm around her shoulder, went on with her and said, "And you're sure we wouldn't be overdoing it a bit?"

The gravel road turned into a path made of dry ground and roots. Mia had to constantly maneuver around holes in the ground with balancing arms to keep her high heels from sinking. She looked focused on the way and said, "You must have already imagined doing it with Sarah."

Ian stopped, plucked a beech leaf from a sprout, held it under his nose and fixed Mia with narrowed eyes, "And you, how often have you imagined it with Tom?"

His wife pouted, "But now you're torturing me?"

Ian grinned, "How could I... and anyway, you started with it."

Mia let her arms drop in resignation, took him by the hand and stepped over another root, "Well... a few times."

Ian was amazed that he didn't feel jealous; instead, he heard himself laugh, "And if you are completely honest... often."

Mia stretched out her arms, "My God, I haven't counted... well, quite a few times. I can't control it. When we do it together, then such images go through my head."

She looked curiously at Ian, "And how often have you been thinking about Sarah?"

Ian fended her off with both hands, "Now please don't make a scene, it sounds like I've already cheated on you with her."

"You're right,‟ sighed Mia and pulled him by the hand, "we're acting like teenagers."

After Ian had helped her through further roots, she grinned, "If you want to know exactly, I sometimes imagine you doing it with Sarah."

Ian was amazed, "Honestly? Doesn't that turn you off, thinking of when your husband fucks another woman?"

Mia confessed, "That's the crazy thing, no, not at all... on the contrary." She grinned shyly, "Thinking of you both being together, I come several times."

They went on without saying a word, until Ian admitted, "Of course, I have already imagined that, you and Tom. At first, I felt a choking in my throat, but then the picture never let go of me, and the longer I saw you both in front of me, I became more and more horny."

Mia wasn't deterred by the serious expression on his face. Her thieving smile slipped down him when she asked, "And? Did you jerk yourself off?"

Ian's eyes followed her gaze, he noticed that his pants were bulging a lot. Too late to cover something up, so he took flight forward, "You must have taken care of your pussy while you were thinking of it.‟

For a moment, Mia didn't know if Ian was shocked by her fantasies; but then, he started to grin. When she saw the rascal reporting back to her, whom she loved so dearly, she blinked conspiratorially at him.

Ian glanced sideways to make sure they were alone. He moved up to his wife, put one hand on her shoulder while he slipped the other under her skirt and felt his way to her panties.

He wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Mia's strong fingers that clawed into his pants. He made another attempt and said, "Of course you fingered yourself, I can see it in your eyes."

"But you too," chuckled Mia, "I can feel it in your pants."

The two pawed each other like teenagers and never stopped searching their faces for approval. Ian slipped a hand into Mia's panties and felt her labia. His wife was so wet, she was actually serious about her proposal.

Mia also looking for his consent, pulled down his zipper and slipped her hand into his pants. When her fingers got over his boxer shorts, they found an erection as hard as steel. She kneaded its hardness, and whispered, "Somehow you like the idea."

Ian groaned, "I am sure of you, you are all wet."

He stuck his middle finger deep into her pleasure channel. Mia squeaked softly, "Not here."

Ian realized that his wife had only one thing left on her mind, and held out his arm to her. She linked arms with him and let herself be escorted into the forest between thick bushes.

They didn't say a word. They stopped next to a thick oak trunk surrounded by tall ferns. r"












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